

Institutional NewsMore
On 30 October, the 2023 New Cornerstone Fellows Program announced the list of 46 outstanding scientists, including Dr Qinghua Liu, who have been awarded grants.We would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Dr Qinghua Liu!Education Experience2000 Ph. D. Department of Biochemistry, Baylor College of Medicine, USA1992 B. S. Department of Biochemistry, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China...
As of the end of December 2022, NIBS has published a total of 644 SCI papers under corresponding authorship, with an average impact factor of 11.409, and a total of 51 papers in the three top international scientific journals, Nature, Science and Cell.
Outstanding talent
The Rui Wu Memorial Foundation (RWMF) has established the Rui Wu Scholarship for outstanding postgraduate students since 2009, with the aim of inspiring postgraduate students in the life sciences to strive to mould themselves into future academic leaders in the field of life sciences, as well as honouring the outstanding contribution of Professor Rui Wu in nurturing a new generation of biologists in China.
Popularization of science
Speaker: Wang Xiaodong, Director, TIMBR/NIBS, Invited presentation to the Salute to Life-Future Science Prize Award Conference, 16 November 2019
Talent training