12. Zhao YT, Fallas JA, Saini S, Ueda G, Somasundaram L, Zhou Z, Xavier Raj I,Xu C, Carter L, Wrenn S, Mathieu J, Sellers DL, Baker D, Ruohola-Baker H, F-domain valency determines outcome of signaling through the angiopoietin pathway.EMBO Rep.2021;22; e53471.
11. Wang F, Gnewou O, Modlin C, Beltran LC,Xu C, Su Z, Juneja P, Grigoryan G, Egelman EH, Conticello VP. Structural analysis of cross α-helical nanotubes provides insight into the designability of filamentous peptide nanomaterials.Nature Communications.2021;12(1):1-14.
10.Xu C*, Lu P*, Gamal El-Din TM, Pei XY, Johnson MC, Uyeda A, Bick MJ, Xu Q, Jiang D, Bai H, Reggiano, G, Hsia Y, Brunette TJ, Dou J, Ma D, Lynch E, Boyken SE, Huang P, Stewart L, Kollman JM, Luisi BF, Matsuura T, Catterall WA, Baker D. Computational Design of Transmembrane Pores.Nature,2020;585(7823):129-134.(* contributed equally to this work)
9. Boyken SE, Chen Z, Groves B, Langan RA, Oberdorfer G, Ford A, Gilmore JM,Xu C, DiMaio F, Pereira JH, Sankaran B, Seelig G, Zwart PH, Baker D. De novo design of protein homo-oligomers with modular hydrogen-bond network-mediated specificity.Science.2016;352(6286):680-7.
8. Hsia Y, Bale JB, Gonen S, Shi D, Sheffler W, Fong KK, Nattermann U,Xu C, Huang PS, Ravichandran R, Yi S, Davis TN, Gonen T, King NP, Baker D. Design of a hyperstable 60-subunit protein icosahedron.Nature.2016;535(7610):136-9.
7. DiMaio F, Song YF, Li XM, Brunner MJ,Xu C, Conticello V, Egelman E, Marlovits TC, Cheng YF, Baker D. Atomic-accuracy models from 4.5-angstrom cryo-electron microscopy data with density-guided iterative local refinement.Nat Methods.2015;12(4):361-5.
6. Egelman EH*,Xu C*, DiMaio F, Magnotti E, Modlin C, Yu X, Wright E, Baker D, Conticello VP. Structural Plasticity of Helical Nanotubes Based on Coiled-Coil Assemblies.Structure.2015;23(2):280-9.(* contributed equally to this work)
5. Huang PS*, Oberdorfer G*,Xu C*, Pei XY, Nannenga BL, Rogers JM, DiMaio F, Gonen T, Luisi B, Baker D. High thermodynamic stability of parametrically designed helical bundles.Science.2014;346(6208):481-5.(* contributed equally to this work)
4. Jiang T,Xu C, Zuo XB, Conticello VP. Structurally Homogeneous Nanosheets from Self-Assembly of a Collagen-Mimetic Peptide.Angew Chem Int Edit.2014;53(32):8367-71.
3. Jiang T,Xu C, Liu Y, Liu Z, Wall JS, Zuo XB, Lian TQ, Salaita K, Ni CY, Pochan D, Conticello VP. Structurally Defined Nanoscale Sheets from Self-Assembly of Collagen-Mimetic Peptides.Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2014;136(11):4300-8.
2.Xu C, Liu R, Mehta AK, Guerrero-Ferreira RC, Wright ER, Dunin-Horkawicz S, Morris K, Serpell LC, Zuo XB, Wall JS, Conticello VP. Rational Design of Helical Nanotubes from Self-Assembly of Coiled-Coil Lock Washers.Journal of the American Chemical Society.2013;135(41):15565-78.
1. Anzini P,Xu C, Hughes S, Magnotti E, Jiang T, Hemmingsen L, Demeler B, Conticello VP. Controlling Self-Assembly of a Peptide-Based Material via Metal-Ion Induced Registry Shift.Journal of the American Chemical Society.2013;135(28):10278-81.