

  • 沈博博士


    Bo Shen, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, TIMBR, Assistant Investigator, NIBS, Beijing, China

  • 教育经历

    2015年 美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校药理学博士

    Ph.D. in Pharmacology, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, USA (Lab of Dr. Xiaoping Du)

    2008年 新加坡国立大学生命科学专业学士

    B.S., College of Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore

  • 工作经历

    2021年- 清华大学生物医学交叉研究院助理教授,北京生命科学研究所研究员

    Assistant Professor, TIMBR, Assistant Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing

    2015-2021年 美国西南医学中心博士后

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Children's Medical Center Research Institute at UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas, USA (Lab of Dr. Sean Morrison)

  • 研究概述 个人概述


    2015年至2021年获得美国国立卫生研究院博士后基金(F32)资助,在美国德克萨斯大学西南医学研究中心和霍华德休斯研究所Sean Morrison院士实验室从事博士后研究,主要利用小鼠遗传学研究骨髓内细胞外基质蛋白对于成体干细胞的作用,首次发现了骨髓内成骨祖细胞群,及其受运动产生的机械力调控的分子机制,期间成果发表于Nature。


  • 研究方向


    沈博实验室主要运用小鼠遗传学手段并结合体外细胞生物学实验,研究骨质疏松和造血相关疾病的新型策略,尤其聚焦于成骨干细胞和造血干细胞被生长因子调控的机理。实验室致力于发现作用于骨骼干细胞(skeletal stem cell)和造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cell)的新型药物靶点,并通过其激动剂促进这些干细胞的生长维持和功能,期望为开发治疗老年性骨质疏松和贫血的新型药物做出贡献。


  • 发表文章

    Research Articles:

    1. Shen B, Tasdogan A, Ubellacker JM, Zhang J, Nosyreva ED, Du L, Murphy MM, Hu S, Yi Y, Kara N, Liu X, Guela S, Jia Y, Ramesh V, Embree C, Mitchell EC, Zhao YC, Ju LA, Zhao H, Crane GM, Zhao Z, Syeda R, Morrison SJ. A mechanosensitive peri-arteriolar niche for osteogenesis and lymphopoiesis. Nature, 591(7850):438 (2021). PMID: 33627868.

    2. Zhang J, Cohen A, Shen B, Du L, Tasdogan A, Zhao Z, Shane EJ, Morrison SJ. Parathyroid hormone promotes osteogenesis partly by promoting Osteolectin expression. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 118 (25) e2026176118 (2021). PMID: 34140410

    3.Wei H, Xu Y, Wang Y, Xu L, Mo C, Li L, Shen B, Sun Y, Cheng P, Yang L, Pang Y, Qin A, Cao Y, Morrison SJ, Yue R. Identification of Fibroblast Activation Protein as an Osteogenic Suppressor and Anti-osteoporosis Drug Target. Cell Reports 33(2):108252 (2020). PMID: 33053358.

    4.Men Y, Wang Y, Yi Y, Jing D, Luo W, Chai Y, Ge WP, Shen B, Stenberg W, Feng JQ, Zhao H. Gli1+ periodontium stem cells are regulated by osteocytes and occlusal force. Developmental Cell. 54(5):639-654 (2020). PMID: 32652075.

    5.Ubellacker JM, Tasdogan A, Ramesh V, Shen B, Mitchell, EC, Martin MS, Gu Z, McCormick ML, Durham AB, Spitz DR, Zhao Z, Mathews TP, Morrison SJ. Lymph protects metastasizing melanoma cells from ferroptosis. Nature. 585, 113–118 (2020). PMID: 32814895.

    6.Gao X, Zhang Z, Mashimo T, Shen B, Nyagilo J, Wang H, Wang Y, Liu Z, Mulgaonkar A, Hu XL, Piccirillo SGM, Eskiocak U, Davé DP, Qin S, Yang Y, Sun X, Fu YX, Zong H, Sun W, Bachoo RM, Ge WP. Gliomas Interact with Non-glioma Brain Cells via Extracellular Vesicles. Cell Rep, 30(8):2489-2500 (2020). PMID: 32101730.

    7.Tasdogan A, Faubert B, Ramesh V, Ubellacker JM, Shen B, Solmonson A, Murphy MM, Gu Z, Gu W, Martin M, Kasitinon SY, Vandergriff T, Mathews TP, Zhao Z, Schadendorf D, DeBerardinis RJ*, Morrison SJ*. Metabolic heterogeneity confers differences in melanoma metastatic potential. Nature, 577(7788):115-120, *co-corresponding authors (2020). PMID: 31853067.

    8.Shen B, Vardy K, Hughes P, Tasdogan A, Zhao Z, Yue R, Crane G, Morrison SJ. Integrin alpha11 is an Osteolectin receptor and is required for the maintenance of adult skeletal bone mass. eLife. 8:e42274 (2019). PMID: 30632962.

    9.Yue R, Shen B, Morrison SJ. Clec11a is an osteogenic factor that promotes the maintenance of the adult skeleton. eLife, 5:e18782 (2016). PMID: 27976999.

    10.Delaney MK, Kim K, Esteves B, Xu Z, Stojanovic-Terpo A, Shen B, Ushio-Fukai M, Cho J, Du X. Differential Roles of the NADPH-Oxidase 1 and 2 in Platelet Activation and Thrombosis. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 36(5):846-854 (2016). PMID: 26988594.

    11.Esteves B, Kim K, Delaney MK, Stojanovic-Terpo A, Shen B, Ruan C, Cho J, Ruggeri ZM, Du X. Signaling-Mediated Cooperativity between Glycoprotein Ib-IX and Protease-Activated Receptors in Thrombin-Induced Platelet Activation. Blood, 127(5):626-636 (2016). PMID: 26585954.

    12.Shen B, Esteves B, Kreutz B, Xu Z, Karginov A, Bai Y, Qian F, Norifumi U, Mosher DF, Du X. The interaction of Galpha13 with integrin beta1 mediates cell migration by dynamic regulation of RhoA. Mol Biol Cell, 26(20):3658-3670 (2015). PMID: 26310447.

    13.Esteves B, Shen B, Du X. Targeting Integrin and Integrin Signaling in Treating Thrombosis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 35(1):24-29 (2015). PMID: 25256236.

    14.Delaney MK, Liu L, Kim K, Shen B, Stojanovic-Terpo A, Zheng Y, Cho J, Du X. Agonist-induced platelet procoagulant activity requires shear and a Rac1-dependent signaling mechanism. Blood, 124(12):1957-1967 (2014). PMID: 25079357.

    15.Shen B, Zhao X, O’Brien KA, Stojanovic-Terpo A, Delaney MK, Kim K, Cho J, Lam SCT, Du X. A mechanism for the directional switch of integrin signaling and selective inhibition of outside-in signaling as a new anti-thrombotic strategy. Nature, 503(7474):131-135 (2013). PMID: 24162846.

    16.Shen B, Delaney MK, Du X. Inside-out, outside-in, and inside-outside-in: G protein signaling in integrin-mediated cell adhesion, spreading, and retraction. Curr Opin Cell Biol, 24(5):600-606 (2012). PMID: 22980731.

    17.Gong H, Shen B, Flevaris P, Chow C, Lam SCT, Voyno-Yasenetskaya TA, Kozasa T, Du X. G protein subunit Galpha13 binds to integrin alphaIIbbeta3 and mediates integrin "outside-in" signaling. Science, 327(5963):340-343 (2010). PMID: 20075254.

    Review Articles:

    18.Stefano C#, Shen B#, Morrison SJ. Niches that regulate stem cells and hematopoiesis in adult bone marrow. Developmental Cell, 2021, online now. #: contributed equally.

    19.Esteves B, Shen B, Du X. Targeting Integrin and Integrin Signaling in Treating Thrombosis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 35(1):24-29 (2015). PMID: 25256236.

    20. Shen B, Delaney MK, Du X. Inside-out, outside-in, and inside-outside-in: G protein signaling in integrin-mediated cell adhesion, spreading, and retraction. Curr Opin Cell Biol, 24(5):600-606 (2012). PMID: 22980731.




    2014年,伊利诺伊大学药理学系Klaus Unna奖
