1. Jiang, W.*†, Jin, L.*, Ju, D.*, Lu, Z.*, Wang,
C., Guo, X., Zhao, H., Shen, S., Cheng, Z., Shen, J., Zong, G., Chen, J., Li, K., Yang, L., Zhang, Z., Feng, Y., Shen, J.Z.,Zhang, E.E.†, and Wan, R.† The pancreatic clock is a key determinant of pancreatic fibrosis progression and exocrine dysfunction. (2022)Science Translational Medicine14: eabn3586
2. Liu, N.*, Tian, H.*, Yu, Z.*, Zhao, H.*, Li, W.*, Sang, D., Lin, K., Cui, Y., Liao, M., Xu, Z., Chen, C., Guo, Y., Wang, Y., Huang, H-w, Wang, J., Zhang, H., Wu, W., Huang, H., Lv, S., Guo, Z., Wang, W., Zheng, S., Wang, F., Zhang, Y.†, Cai, T.†, andZhang, E.E.† A highland-adaptation mutation of the Epas1 protein increases its stability and disrupts the circadian clock in the plateau pika. (2022)Cell Reports39: 110816
3. Ju, D.*, Zhang, W.*, Yan, J., Zhao, H., Li, W., Wang, J., Liao, M., Xu, Z., Wang, Z., Zhou, G., Mei, L., Hou, N., Ying, S., Cai, T., Chen, S., Xie, X., Lai, L., Tang, C., Park, N., Takahashi, J.S., Huang, N., Qi, X.†, andZhang, E.E.† Chemical Perturbations Reveal That RUVBL2 Regulates the Circadian Phase in Mammals. (2020)Science Translational Medicine12: eaba0769 {Featured by Editor in the issue: “Shifting clock gears”; and byNature Reviews Drug Discovery: “Shortening jet-lag recovery”; Highlighted byFaculty of 1000(Very Good)}
4. Han, K.*, Mei, L.*, Zhong, R., Pang, Y.,Zhang, E.E.†, and Huang Y.† A Microfluidic Approach for Experimentally Modeling the Intercellular Coupling System of a Mammalian Circadian Clock at Single-cell Level. (2020)Lab on a Chip20, 1204-1211
5. Peng, S.*, Xiao, W.*, Ju, D.*, Sun, B., Hou, N., Liu, Q., Wang, Y., Zhao, H., Gao, C., Zhang, S., Cao, R., Li, P., Huang, H., Ma, Y., Wang, Y., Lai, W., Ma, Z., Zhang, W., Huang, S., Wang, H., Zhang, Z., Zhao, L., Cai, T., Zhao, Y., Wang, F., Nie, Y., Zhi, G., Yang, Y.†,Zhang, E.E.†, and Huang, N.† Identification of Entacapone as a Chemical Inhibitor of FTO Mediating Metabolic Regulation Through FOXO1. (2019)Science Translational Medicine11: eaau7116 {Featured by Editor in the issue: “The skinny on FTO”}
6. Mei, L.*, Fan, Y., Lv, X., Welsh, D.K., Zhan, C.†, andZhang, E.E.† Long-term in vivo Recording of Circadian Rhythms in Brains of Freely Moving Mice. (2018)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.115: 4276-4281 {Highlighted byFaculty of 1000(Very Good); Detailed protocol can be viewed in a video publication ofJOVE56765}
7. Wu, Y.*, Tang, D.*, Liu, N., Xiong, W., Huang, H., Li, Y., Ma, Z., Zhao, H., Chen, P., Qi, X., andZhang, E.E.† Reciprocal Regulation between the Circadian Clock and Hypoxia Signaling at the Genome Level in Mammals. (2017)Cell Metabolism25: 73-85 {Cover story of the issue; Featured byScience Signaling, “Daily oxygen rhythms” (Editors' Choice)}
8.Zhang, E.E.* and Kay, S.A.† Clocks Not Winding Down: Unraveling Circadian Networks. (2010)Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology11: 764-776 {Invited Review, 10-year Anniversary Series}
9.Zhang, E.E.*, Liu, Y.*, Dentin, R., Pongsawakul, P.Y., Liu, A.C., Hirota, T., Nusinow, D.A., Sun, X., Landais, S., Kodama, Y., Brenner, D., Montminy, M.† and Kay, S.A.† Cryptochrome Mediates Circadian Regulation of cAMP Signaling and Hepatic Gluconeogenesis. (2010)Nature Medicine16: 1152-1156 {Featured byNatureMedicine, “High glucose, no cry” (News and Views); Highlighted byFaculty of 1000(Very Good)}
10.Zhang, E.E.*, Liu, A.C.*, Hirota, T.*, Miraglia, L.J., Welch, G., Pongsawakul, P.Y., Liu, X., Atwood, A., Huss, J.W.III., Janes, J., Su, A.I., Hogenesch, J.B.†, and Kay, S.A.† A Genome-wide siRNA Screen for Modifiers of the Circadian Clock in Human Cells. (2009)Cell139: 199-210 {Highlighted byFaculty of 1000(Exceptional)}
1.Zhang, E., Qi, X., Ju, D., Zhou, G., Zhao, H., Mei, L., Wang, Z., and Liang, L. Nucleoside analogue regulating mammalian circadian rhythm. WIPO Publication # WO2018133835A1
2.Zhang, E., Zhan, C., and Mei, L. A method and instrumental design for long-term and real- time recording of gene transcriptions in live animals. NIPA Application# 2017101661043
1.Society for Research on Biological RhythmsBiennial Meeting, Amelia Island, Florida, USA, May 14-18, 2022 (Program Committee & Session Chair)
2.NeuroZoom, Virtual Conference, October 27, 2020
3.Society for Research on Biological RhythmsBiennial Meeting, Virtual Conference, May 30- June 3, 2020
4. 10th Annual Symposium ofCenter for Circadian Biology, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA, March 4-6, 2020
5.Keystone Symposiaon "Hypoxia: Molecules, Mechanisms and Disease", Keystone, Colorado, USA, January 18-24, 2020 (Session Chair)
6. XVI Congress,European Biological Rhythm Society, Lyon, France, August 25-30, 2019
7. Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythms,Japanese Society for Chronobiology, Sapporo, Japan, July 11-16, 2018
8.Society for Research on Biological RhythmsBiennial Meeting, Amelia Island, Florida, USA, May 12-16, 2018
9.Gordon Research Conferenceon Chronobiology, Stowe, Vermont, USA, July 16-21, 2017
10.Cold Spring Harbor AsiaMeeting on Biological Rhythms, Suzhou, China, October 26-30, 2015 (Session Chair)
1. Organizing Committee: 5th World Congress of Chronobiology (WCC), Suzhou, China, April 25-28, 2019
2. Co-organizer of two (with Dr. Qinghua Liu): 1st Beijing Symposium on the Circadian Clock and Sleep Research, Beijing, China, April 23-24, 2019
3. Co-organizer of two (with Dr. Jinhu Guo): Satellite symposium on "Biological Rhythms: Health & Adaptation", Chinese Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, Nanjing, China, April 11-12, 2018
4. Organizing Committee: 2nd Asian Forum on Chronobiology (AFC), Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China, June 25-27, 2017
5. Co-organizer of three (with Drs. Ying Xu and Yi Rao): International ChronoBiology Summer School (CBS), Beijing, China, August 1-6, 2016
1. Ad Hoc Reviewer for Scientific Journals: Science, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Cell Metabolism, Journal of Clinical Investigation, PLoS Biology, Cell Research, PNAS, Cell Reports, iScience, Journal of Biological Rhythms, Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, etc.
2. Ad Hoc Reviewer for Research Funding Agencies: National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) of France
3. Associate Editor: Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience
4. Guest Associate Editor: Frontiers in Pharmacology
5. Founding Vice President (since 2015): Chinese Society for Biological Rhythms (CSBR)