


  • 曹鹏博士


    Peng Cao, Ph.D. Associate Professor, TIMBR, Associate Investigator, NIBS, Beijing, China

  • 教育经历 Education

    2000年 北京大学生命科学学院理学学士

    B.Sc. Peking University, China


    Ph.D., Neurobiology, Institute of Biophysics, CAS

  • 工作经历 Professional Experience



    Associate Professor, TIMBR, Associate Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing



    Assistant Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing



    Principle Investigator, Institute of Biophysics, CAS



    Research Associate, HHMI atStanford University



    Postdoctoral Associate, Baylor College of Medicine

  • 研究概述


    研究内容-1: 大脑感知病原入侵启动防御反应的神经机制


    2022年11月1日,我们在Cell上发表了题为The gut-to-brain axis for toxin-induced defensive responses的研究论文。该研究建立了以小鼠为动物模型研究恶心和呕吐反应的新范式,发现肠道报告病原入侵的“情报员”细胞,迷走神经传输情报的“线人”细胞,以及脑内负责启动恶心和呕吐反应的“开关”细胞。在分子细胞层面上,揭示免疫反应和5-羟色胺信号在引发恶心和呕吐中的重要功能,证明化疗药物是通过“绑架”这些分子细胞机制引发恶心和呕吐的副作用。研究还发现,这些分子细胞和神经环路机制也参与了化疗药物(doxorubicin)引发的“恶心-呕吐”副作用。这一发现暗示,化疗药物引发的“恶心-呕吐”副作用,可能是通过绑架进化上保守的“食物中毒”机制得以实现。

    同期的Cell 配发了专家评论文章,对这一工作进行了详细介绍。研究成果还被Nature Reviews Neuroscience以Research Highlight的形式进行了报道。纽约时报也对这一研究成果进行了采访和报道。



    我们在实验室里建立了小鼠与天敌“战斗”的行为范式,并发现天敌攻击时产生的伤害性机械刺激是触发小鼠战斗行为的关键。我们在小鼠的下丘脑前核 AHN中发现编码伤害性机械刺激的神经元。光激活这些神经元,能直接引发小鼠对抗天敌的防御行为。抑制这些神经元,小鼠失去了对抗天敌的能力。这一研究成果于2022年1月3日发表在Nature Neuroscience上。

    大脑如何启动“逃跑”的行为反应呢? 我们在小鼠的大脑中发现一群启动逃避天敌行为的神经元。这些神经元位于一个叫做“上丘”的脑区,以小清蛋白(parvalbumin,PV)为生物标记物。上丘PV神经元可以像雷达一样监测天空中快速逼近的运动目标,并把这些预警信息传送给恐惧中枢杏仁核。直接刺激该神经环路,可以快速引发强烈的逃跑行为。反复刺激该神经环路,动物出现类似PTSD的核心症状。这些科学发现于2015年6月26日发表在Science上。


  • 发表文章

    Representative Publications

    1. Zhiyong Xie, Xianying Zhang, Miao Zhao, Lifang Huo, Meizhu Huang, Dapeng Li, Shuangfeng Zhang, Xingyu Cheng, Huating Gu, Chen Zhang, Cheng Zhan, Fengchao Wang, Congping Shang,Peng Cao. The gut-to-brain axis for toxin-induced defensive responses.Cell185: 4298-4316 (2022)

    Cell,“A gut-retching discovery”.

    Nature Reviews Neuroscience, “Gut-brain pathways for toxin defence”.

    The New York Times, “How brains send a signal that it’s time to vomit”.

    2. Zhiyong Xie, Dapeng Li, Xinyu Cheng, Qing Pei, Meizhu Huang, Huating Gu, Miao Zhao, Dandan Geng, Fan Zhang, Yuanwu Ma,Peng Cao. A brain-to-spinal neural circuit for repetitive self-grooming in mice.Neuron110: 874-890 (2022)

    Neuron, “Of pride and groom: The gains and limits of studying the neuroanatomy of rodent self-grooming in translational research”.

    3. Zhiyong Xie, Huating Gu, Meizhu Huang, Xingyu Cheng, Yuan Xie, Zongxiang Tang, Fan Zhang,Peng Cao. Mechanically evoked defensive attack is controlled by GABAergic neurons in the anterior hypothalamic nucleus.Nature Neuroscience25: 72-85 (2022)

    4. Congping Shang, Aixue Liu, Dapeng Li, Zhiyong Xie, Zijun Chen, Meizhu Huang, Yang Li, Yi Wang, Wei Shen,Peng Cao. A subcortical excitatory circuit for sensory-triggered predatory hunting in mice.Nature Neuroscience22: 909-920 (2019)

    Nature Neuroscience, “Hungry for motion: the senses propel predation”

    5. Zhihui Liu, Zijun Chen, Congping Shang, Fei Yan, Yingchao Shi, Jiajing Zhang, Baole Qu, Hailin Han, Yanying Wang, Dapeng Li, Thomas Südhof,Peng Cao. IGF1-dependent synaptic plasticity of mitral cells in olfactory memory during social learning.Neuron95: 106-122 (2017)

    6. Congping Shang, Zhihui Liu, Zijun Chen, Yingchao Shi, Su Liu, Dapeng Li, Qian Wang,Peng Cao. A parvalbumin-positive excitatory visual pathway to trigger fear responses in mice.Science348: 1472-77 (2015)

    Other Publications

    7. Ming-Ming Zhang, An-Qi Geng, Kun Chen, Jian Wang, Pan Wang, Xin-Tong Qiu, Jun-Xiang Gu, Hong-Wei Fan, Da-Yu Zhu, Shan-Ming Yang, Qi-Yu Chen, Zhao-Xiang Zhou, Bo-Yuan Fan, Yang Bai, Ke-Ke Xing, Jia-Ming Feng, Jun-Da Wang, Yan Chen, Ya-Cheng Lu, Ying Liang,Peng Cao, Bong-Kiun Kaang, Min Zhuo, Yun-Qing Li, Tao Chen. Glutamatergic synapses from the insular cortex to the basolateral amygdala encode observational pain.Neuron110: 1993-2008.e6. (2022)

    8. Jing-Jing Yan, Xiao-Jing Ding, Ting He, Ai-Xiao Chen, Wen Zhang, Zi-Xian Yu, Xin-Yu Cheng, Chuan-Yao Wei, Qiao-Dan Hu, Xiao-Yao Liu, Yan-Li Zhang, Mengge He, Zhi-Yong Xie, Xi Zha, Chun Xu,Peng Cao, Haohong Li, Xiao-Hong Xu. A circuit from the ventral subiculum to anterior hypothalamic nucleus GABAergic neurons essential for anxiety-like behavioral avoidance.Nature Communications13 (1), 1-16 (2022)

    9. Yuan Wang, Rong Huang, Zuying Chai, Changhe Wang, Xingyu Du, Yuqi Hang, Yongxin Xu, Jie Li, Xiaohan Jiang, Xi Wu, Zhongjun Qiao, Yinglin Li, Bing Liu, Xianying Zhang,Peng Cao, Feipeng Zhu, Zhuan ZhouCalcium-independent transmission at the central synapse formed between dorsal root ganglion and dorsal horn neurons.EMBOReports23 (11), e54507(2022)

    10. Meizhu Huang, Dapeng Li, Xinyu Cheng, Qing Pei, Zhiyong Xie, Huating Gu, Xuerong Zhang, Zijun Chen, Aixue Liu, Yi Wang, Fangmiao Sun, Yulong Li, Jiayi Zhang, Miao He, Yuan Xie, Fan Zhang, Xiangbin Qi, Congping Shang,Peng Cao. The tectonigral pathway regulates appetitive locomotion in predatory hunting in mice.Nature Communications12: 4409 (2021)

    11. Zhiyong Xie, Mengdi Wang, Zeyuan Liu, Congping Shang, Changjiang Zhang, Le Sun, Huating Gu, Gengxin Ran, Qing Pei, Qiang Ma, Meizhu Huang, Junjing Zhang, Rui Lin, Youtong Zhou, Jiyao Zhang, Miao Zhao, Minmin Luo, Qian Wu,Peng Cao, Xiaoqun Wang. Transcriptomic encoding of sensorimotor transformation in the midbrain.eLife10: e69825 (2021)

    12. Can Liu, Chia-Ying Lee, Greg Asher, Liqin Cao, Yuka Terakoshi,Peng Cao, Reiko Kobayakawa, Ko Kobayakawa, Katsuyasu Sakurai, Qinghua Liu. Posterior subthalamic nucleus (PSTh) mediates innate fear-associated hypothermia.Nature Communications12: 2648 (2021)

    13. Chaojuan Yang, Yonglu Tian, Feng Su, Yangzhen Wang, Mengna Liu, Hongyi Wang, Yaxuan Cui, Peijiang Yuan, Xiangning Li, Anan Li, Hui Gong, Qingming Luo, Desheng Zhu,Peng Cao, Yunbo Liu, Xunli Wang, Min-hua Luo, Fuqiang Xu, Wei Xiong, Liecheng Wang, Xiang-yao Li, Chen Zhang. Restoration of FMRP expression in adult V1 neurons rescues visual deficits in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome.Protein & Cell(2021)

    14. Shiwei Qiu, Weihao Zhao, Xue Gao, Dapeng Li, Weiqian Wang, Bo Gao, Weiju Han, Shiming Yang, Pu Dai,Peng Cao, Yongyi Yuan. Syndromic deafness gene ATP6V1B2 controls degeneration of spiral ganglion neurons through modulating proton flux.Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology9: 742714 (2021).

    15. Jing Chen, Mingxiu Cheng, Liang Wang, Lei Zhang, Dan Xu,Peng Cao, Fengchao Wang, Herbert Herzog, Sen Song, Cheng Zhan. A Vagal-NTS neural pathway that stimulates feeding.Current Biology30: 3986-3998.e5. (2020)

    16. Zheng-dong Zhao, Zongming Chen, Xinkuan Xiang, Mengna Hu, Hengchang Xie, Xiaoning Jia, Fang Cai, Yuting Cui, Zijun Chen, Lechen Qian, Jiashu Liu, Congping Shang, Yiqing Yang, Xinyan Ni, Wenzhi Sun, Ji Hu,Peng Cao, Haohong Li, Wei Shen. Zona incerta GABAergic neurons integrate prey-related sensory signals and induce an appetitive drive to promote hunting.Nature Neuroscience22: 921-932 (2019)

    17. Congping Shang, Zijun Chen, Aixue Liu, Yang Li, Jiajing Zhang, Baole Qu, Fei Yan, Yaning Zhang, Weixiu Liu, Zhihui Liu, Xiaofei Guo, Dapeng Li, Yi Wang,Peng Cao. Divergent midbrain circuits orchestrate escape and freezing responses to looming stimuli in mice.Nature Communications9: 1232 (2018)

    18. Yonglu Tian, Chaojuan Yang, Yaxuan Cui, Feng Su, Yongjie Wang, Yangzhen Wang, Peijiang Yuan, Shujiang Shang, Hao Li, Jizong Zhao, Desheng Zhu, Shiming Tang,Peng Cao, Yunbo Liu, Xunli Wang, Liecheng Wang, Wenbo Zeng, Haifei Jiang, Fei Zhao, Minhua Luo, Wei Xiong, Zilong Qiu, Xiang-Yao Li, Chen Zhang, An excitatory neural assembly encodes short-term memory in the prefrontal cortex.Cell Reports22: 1734-1744 (2018)

    19.Peng Cao, Xiaofei Yang, and Thomas Südhof, Complexin Activates Exocytosis of Distinct Secretory Vesicles Controlled by Different Synaptotagmins.The Journal of Neuroscience33: 1714-1727 (2013)

    20. Xiaofei Yang,Peng Caoand Thomas Südhof. Deconstructing Complexin function in activating and clamping Ca2+-triggered exocytosis by comparing knockout and knockdown phenotypes.PNAS110: 20777-20782 (2013)

    21.Peng Cao, Anton Maximov, and Thomas Südhof, Activity-dependent IGF1 exocytosis is controlled by the Ca2+-sensor synaptotagmin 10.Cell145: 300–311 (2011).

    Cell, “An exciting calcium sensor for smell”.

    Nature Reviews Neuroscience, “Molecular neuroscience: Synaptotagmin 10-mediated release”.

    22. Zhiping Pang, Wei Xu,Peng Caoand Thomas Südhof. Calmodulin suppresses synaptotagmin-2 transcription in cortical neurons.Journal of Biological Chemistry285: 33930-33939 (2010)

    23. Zhiping Pang,Peng Cao, Wei Xu and Thomas Südhof. Calmodulin controls synaptic strength via presynaptic activation of calmodulin kinase II.The Journal of Neuroscience30: 4132-4142 (2010)

    24. Yan Yang,Peng Cao, Yang Yang, and Shu-Rong Wang, Corollary discharge circuits for saccadic modulation of the pigeon visual system.Nature Neuroscience11: 595-602 (2008)

    25. Daoying Hu,Peng Cao, Edda Thiels, Charleen Chu, Gang-Yi Wu, Tim Oury, Eric Klann. Hippocampal long-term potentiation, memory, and longevity in mice that overexpress mitochondrial superoxide dismutase.Neurobiology of Learning and Memory87: 372-384 (2007)

    26.Peng Cao, Yan Yang, Yang Yang and Shu-Rong Wang. Differential modulation of thalamic neurons by optokinetic nuclei in the pigeon.Brain Research1069: 159-165 (2006)

    27.Peng Cao, Yong Gu, and Shu-Rong Wang, Visual neurons in the pigeon brain encode the acceleration of stimulus motion.The Journal of Neuroscience24: 7690–7698 (2004)

    28. Quan Xiao,Peng Cao, Yong Gu and Shu-Rong Wang Visual responses of neurons in the pretectal nucleus lentiformis mesencephali to moving patterns within and beyond receptive fields in pigeons.Brain Behavior and Evolution57: 80-86 (2001)

    Reviews and Previews

    29. Zhihui Liu,Peng Cao. Love or not? A new subpopulation of neurons controls the switch of female sexual behavior.Neuron110: 2893-2895 (2022)

    30. Wei Xiao, Zhuo-Lei Jiao, Esra Senol, Jiwei Yao, Miao Zhao, Zheng-Dong Zhao, Xiaowei Chen,Peng Cao, Yu Fu, Zhihua Gao, Wei L Shen, Xiao-Hong Xu. Neural circuit control of innate behaviors.Science China Life Sciences65: 466–499 (2022)

    31. Xue Liu, Hongren Huang, Terrance P Snutch,Peng Cao, Liping Wang, Feng Wang. The superior colliculus: cell types, connectivity, and behavior.Neuroscience Bulletin38: 1519–1540 (2022)