部分发表文章 SelectedPublications(*Corresponding or co-corresponding author)
1. Li Y,Liu J,Chen W,Wang W,Yang F,Liu X,Sheng Y,Du K,He M,Lü X, Li H,Zhao L,Wei Z,Wang F,Zheng S,Sui J*. A pH-dependent anti-CD47 antibody that selectively targets solid tumors and improves therapeutic efficacy and safety.J Hematol Oncol2023, 16 (1) : 2.
2. Tian X,Liu X,Ding J,Wang F,Wang K,Liu J,Wei Z,Hao X,Li Y,Wei X,Zhang H,Sui J*. An anti-CD98 antibody displaying pH-dependent Fc-mediated tumour-specific activity against multiple cancers in CD98-humanized mice.Nat Biomed Eng2023, 7 (1) : 8-23.
3. Liu X,Tian X, Hao X, Zhang H, Wang K,Wei Z,Wei X,Li Y,Sui J*. A cross-reactive pH-dependent EGFR antibody with improved tumor selectivity and penetration obtained by structure-guided engineering.Mol Ther Oncolytics2022, 27 : 256-269.
4. Du K, Li Y, Liu J, Chen W, Wei Z, Luo Y, Liu H, Qi Y, Wang F,Sui J*. A bispecific antibody targeting GPC3 and CD47 induced enhanced antitumor efficacy against dual antigen-expressing HCC.Mol Ther2021, 29 (4) : 1572-1584
5.Yang F, Zhao L, Wei Z, Yang Y, Liu J, Li Y, Tian X, Liu X, , andSui J*. A Cross-Species Reactive TIGIT-Blocking Antibody Fc Dependently Confers Potent Antitumor Effects.J Immunol2020,205(8): 2156-2168
6. Li SB, Liu YY, Yuan L, Ji MF, Zhang A, Li HY, Tang LQ, Fang SG, Zhang H, Xing S, Li MZ, Zhong Q, Lin SJ, Liu WL, Huang P, Zeng YX, Zheng YM, Ling ZQ,Sui JH, Zeng MS. 2020. Autocrine INSL5 promotes tumor progression and glycolysis via activation of STAT5 signaling.EMBO Mol Med: e12050
7. Liu H, Zheng S, Hou X, Liu X, Du K, Lv X, Li Y, Yang F, Li W,Sui J*. Novel antibodies targeting the N-terminus of FGF19 inhibit hepatocellular carcinoma growth without bile-acid-related side effects.Can Sci2020,111(5):1750-1760
8.Qiao L,Sui J, Luo G. Robust Human and Murine Hepatocyte Culture Models of Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Replication.J Virol2018, 92 (23).
9. Li D, He W, Liu X, Zheng S, Qi Y, Li H, Mao F, Liu J, Sun Y, Pan L, Du K, Ye K, Li W,Sui J*. A potent human neutralizing antibody Fc-dependently reduces established HBV infections. eLife2017, 6: e26738.
10. Kang J, Wang J, Cheng J, Cao Z, Chen R, Li H, Liu S, Chen X,Sui J*, Lu F. Down-regulation of NTCP expression by cyclin D1 in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma has clinical significance.Oncotarget2017;8(34):56041-56050.
11. He W, Cao Z, Mao F, Ren J, Li Y, Li D, Li H, Peng B, Yan H, Qi Y, Sun Y, Wang F,Sui J*, Li W. Three amino acids modification in sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide renders mice susceptible for infection of hepatitis D virus In vivo.JVirol2016, 90 (19), 8866-74.
12. Huang X, Dong W, Milewska A, Golda A, Qi Y, Zhu QK, Marasco WA, Baric RS, Sims AC, Pyrc K, Li W,Sui J*. HCoV-HKU1 Spike protein uses O-acetylated sialic acid as an attachment receptor determinant and employs HE protein as a receptor-destroying enzyme.J Virol2015, 89 (14), 7202-7213.
13.Sui J, Deming M, Rockx B, Liddington RC, Zhu QK, Baric RS, Marasco WA. Effects of human anti-spike protein receptor binding domain antibodies on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus neutralization escape and fitness.J Virol2014, 88 (23), 13769-80.
14. DK Chang,Sui J, Geng S, Muvaffak A, Bai M, Fuhlbrigge R, Lo A, Yammanuru A, Hubbard L, Sheehan J, Campbell J, Zhu Q, Kupper T, Marasco WA. Humanization of an anti-CCR4 antibody that killscutaneous Tcelllymphoma cells and abrogates suppression by T regulatory cells.Molecular Cancer Therapeutics2012,11 (11):2451-61.
15. Yan H, Zhong G, Xu G, He W, Jing Z, Gao Z, Huang Y, Qi Y, Peng B, Wang H, Fu L, Song M, Chen P, Gao W, Ren B, Sun Y, Cai T, Feng X,Sui J, Li W. 2012. Sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide is a functional receptor for human hepatitis B and D virus.eLife2012, 1:e00049.
16.Sui J, Sheehan J, Hwang WC, Bankston LA, Burchett SK, Huang CY, Liddington RC, Beigel JH, Marasco WA. Wideprevalence ofheterosubtypicbroadlyneutralizinghumananti-Influenza Aantibodies.Clin Infect Dis2011, 52 (8):1003-1009
17.Sui J*, Hwang WC, Perez S, Wei G, Aird D, Chen L, Santelli E, Stec B, Cadwell G, Ali M, Murakami A, Yammanuru A, Han T, Cox N, Bankston LA, Donis RO, Liddington RC and Marasco WA. Structural andfunctionalbasis forbroad-spectrumneutralization ofavian andhumaninfluenza Aviruses.Nat Struct Mol Biol2009, 16(3):265-73.
Commentsin Nat Biotech, Nat Struct Mol Bio and Nat Med2009.
18.Sui J*, Aird DR, Tamin A, Murakami A, Yan M, Yammanur, A, Jing H, Kan B, Liu, X, Zhu Q, Yuan Q, Adams GP, Bellini WJ, Xu J, Anderson LJ and Marasco WA. Broadening ofneutralizationactivity todirectlyblock adominantantibody-driven SARS-Coronavirusevolutionpathway.Plos Pathogen2008, 4(11):e1000197.
19. Marasco WA,Sui J*. The growth and potential of human anti-viral monoclonal antibody therapeutics.Nature Biotechnology(Invited Review)2007, 25(12):1421-34.
20. Xu C,Sui J, Tao H, Zhu Q, Wayne A. Marasco. Human anti-CXCR4 antibodies undergo VH replacement, exhibit functional V-Region sulfation and define CXCR4 antigenic heterogeneity.J Immunol2007,179(4):2408-18
21.Sui J,Li W, Roberts A, Matthews LJ, Murakami A, Vogel L, Wong SK, Subbarao K, Farzan M, Marasco WA. Evaluation of humanMab 80r for immunoprophylaxis of SARS by an animal study, epitope mapping and analysis of spike variants.J Virol2005, 79(10):5900-5906.
22. Bai J,Sui J, Demirjian A, Vollmer Jr CM, Marasco WA, Callery MP. Predominant Bcl-XL knockdown disables antiapoptotic mechanisms: tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand-based triple chemotherapy overcomes chemoresistance in pancreatic cancer cells in Vitro.Cancer Res2005, 65(6):2344-2352
23.Sui J, Li W, Murakami A, Tamin A, Matthews LJ, Wong SK, Moore MJ, Tallrico AS, Olurinde M, Choe H, Anderson LJ, Bellini WJ, Farzan M, and Marasco WA. Potent neutralization of SARS coronavirus Infection by a human monoclonal antibody against the ACE2-binding domain of spike protein.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2004,101(8):2536-41.
24.Sui J,Marasco WA. Evidence against Ebola virus sGP binding to human neutrophils by a specific receptor.Virology2002, 303(1):9-14.